Frank & Eileen


Description: No Other Letter I Have Ever Sent You Has As Much Potential To Dramatically Change Your Life For The Better Than This One... .....If You Are Working At Or Very Seriously Interested In Becoming A Master Copywriter Or The Business Of Sales And Marketing Of Products And Services! Who else wants to become a direct response copywriting millionaire? Dear Friend, Time is of the essence. So, I will be direct and to the point. For the past 32 years I have been building and developing a sales and marketing empire...half-a-Billion Dollars worth of copywriting products! (If you went ahead and added the profits earned by the many students who have followed the examples and instructions I have lain out and shared along the way, it's over several billion dollars.) It has provided a very solid nest egg for me and my family - and made many of my clients extremely wealthy. My name is Jason Hart and recently I was confined to my office for several days...having some spare time on my hands I began "routing" around. What I am about to relay is somewhat astounding. Upstairs why back in the deep recesses of my archives I uncovered a HUGE "CRATE" sealed so tight that I needed a crowbar to pop the lid. What was inside literally blew my mind...a HUGE treasure trove a display ad, direct mail pieces, classics and rarities of direct response marketing dating back a century! In this letter, I'm going to tell you all about this unprecedented discovery, exactly what I discovered, and do everything I can to help you make a wise decision, whether or not you should make the rather small investment of time and money required to dive into my HUGE "CRATE" of copywriting mastery. This requires a long letter. I know, I know, your busy, and time is essential. But I am serious when I say that no other letter I have ever sent you has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as the one you are now reading. So I hope that you'll take the time to read it thoroughly. Don't stop. Do it immediately - it includes a very limited HALF-PRICE offer you may not want to miss. The Legendary Transformer Exists... Remember, as a youngster, reading about ancient alchemists, who said that they had the power to turn everything from dirt and cloth into gold, taking items of little or no value and - BAM! - transforming them into extremely valuable gold. Your ability to consistently, time and time again, turn paper and ink into "gold" is modern alchemy. Yes, the ability to take one to several pages of sales copy in an ad or sales letter selling any type of product or service and to turn it into hundreds of thousands of dollars is modern alchemy. Wealth from out of the blue. This type of business offers not only the income, but the freedom to live as you please. Yes! Here at last is your chance to gain the COPYWRITER'S MINDSET that you've always dreamed of easily and quickly that you'll be astounded...and you'll do it with out risking a penny! and... I promise, even if you can't write a grocery list or are "all thumbs" at the computer, you CAN quickly develop a very valuable copywriting business of your own. With the samples and examples contained in this crate of treasure you CAN develop your own "perfect business"...Few or NO employees, NO office overhead...Why wouldn't you want to live such a profitable business lifestyle to the greatest extent possible? So, let me tell you what's in this HUGE "CRATE." I'm holding nothing back...Nothing. Every scrape of copy found in this treasure trove create is included. This Is A Very Limited Offer... I will only be offering the contents of this HUGE "crate" for a short time. The Half-Price offer will only last a day or so then the price will double. But once a 100 of them are sold it will be over. Why the limited release? Well, I just prefer the idea that we are sharing least copywriting methods known to and used by a select few. If you wait you may very well pay more or find the HUGE "CRATES" sold out and/or the offer closed. For starters, if Internet wide knowledge of this HUGE "CRATE" were to leak out I would be compromising my own business, because it reveals the “inside secret game” the masters use to demolish all competition. The secrets that they hope and trust no other copywriter would EVER be able to get their hands on. If you would like to master the art of copywriting in days instead of years then you absolutely must continue reading! It Contains All The Dirty Inside Secrets That Master Copywriters Use To Demolish The Competition! I found swipes I didn’t even know I had, powerful, top-shelf writing that can be used as templates for any appropriate marketing campaign. When the files were laid bare I found direct mail pieces for numerous niche markets like golf and martial arts, financial newsletters, health journals, real estate, you name it and there are numerous examples of million to billion dollar control pieces here. 187 In All...Including 21 Massive and Complete Magalogs... If you have ever wanted an advanced education in copywriting mastery you’ll find no better resource than this HUGE "CRATE" which I have labeled “The Father of All Swipe File Creates.” This package isn’t for everyone, if you need someone to hold your hand and carefully explain every single step, then you probably need to look elsewhere, but if your able to study the GREATEST ADS EVER WRITTEN and use them as a springboard for your own copywriting career then again, you’ll find no better resource than “The Father of All Swipe File Crates.” As an example of what I am talking about… I Am Using One Of Those Ads As The Template For This Letter To You, Right Now! Pretty neat, huh? Imagine learning the game of copywriting exactly as it is played at the most advanced level…the average copywriter has NEVER figured out the really hot secrets and it’s easy to understand why, because all the GREATEST COPYWRITERS keep them close to the vest and NEVER Divulge them to ANYONE! They would sooner cut off a finger than reveal the techniques and strategies that they use to dominate the entire field. Listen: Would you pay for the opportunity to have an instant collection of tools and techniques that would raise your level of copywriting ability to that of the most respected and advanced copywriters…in just days? This is a serious question. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars amassing one of the largest collections of sales and marketing materials on the planet and I had totally forgotten about this treasure trove of swipes. I can only attempt to impress upon you the sheer value once this all digital product..."The Father of All Swipe File Crates" will have on your business once it is your hot little hands… Go Ahead, Steal My "CRATE" of Files! Because you know what? For every dollar you spend on this collection and by using its vast resources, your copywriting skill will grow ten fold! …Overnight you will discover that you have been given the “Keys To The Vault” of the most powerful copywriting secrets available anywhere…the next time you sit down to write a sales piece you will IMMEDIATELY notice: …that you’re writing headlines like Gary Halbert… …crafting openers like an invisible hand was guiding your pen… …and creating bullets with a mastery that will have even the most determined skeptic reaching for their wallet… If you love copywriting the way I do, then you are probably determined to be one of the best while at the same time creating a life and lifestyle where your family has no financial worries. And to those who have taken advantage of most if not all of my previous offers…THIS IS VIRTUALLY ALL NEW MATERIAL…there may be some overlap with a few pieces but the VAST MAJORITY is BRAND NEW! Some of these ads, in fact a huge amount, are so RARE that it would be virtually impossible to find them anywhere else! Here’s what you get: 166 RARELY SCENE, Full page, long copy display ads. Some dating back 100 years...real “insider” lessons from the Greatest Minds in the business. Used day in and day out to beat controls left and right... Gary Halbert: The-Amazing-'Face-Lift-In-A-Jar'-Used-by-Hollywood-Stars-Who-Don't- Want-Plastic-Surgery... The-Amazing-Blackjack-Secret-Of-A-Las-Vegas-Mystery-Man... Coat-of-arms-letter... Science-Has-Finally-Counterfeited-A-Perfect-Diamond... An-Open-Letter-To-Anyone-Who-Wants-To-Lose-Up-To-20-In-Two- Weeks-The-Lazy-Way... High-School-Student-Loses-Almost-600-Pounds-and-Now-Devotes- His-Life-To-Helping-Others-Get-Skinny... Agora-Letter... Who-else-wants-to-make-a-bundle...The-Amazing-Secret-of-The- Hottest-Investment-of-The-Last-5-Years... WARNING--Do-Not-Read-This-Unless-You-Are-Already-Rich... New-Halley's-Comet-'Silver-Eagle'-Is-Totally-Unique-And-Made-Of- Pure-Silver... Agora 85%-In-Just-Less-Than-6-Months... Greenspan-Is-Robbing-You-Blind... How-To-Take-Control-Of-Moneymaking-Opportunities... For-The-Last-Two-Years-My-Traders-Saw... How-To-Take-Control-Of-Moneymaking-Opportunities... In-This-Crazy,-Scary,-Unpredictable-World,-You-Can-Still-Get-Rich... Make-15-Times-Your-Money-On-The-Cheapest-Stocks-In-The-World... Tell-Your-Friends-You-Made-A-667%-Profit... The-Bull-Market-That-Never-Ends... The-TRIPLE-TIMEBOMB-That-Makes-Market-Recovery-Almost- Impossible-in-2009-or-2010...but-that-could-still-make-a-few- people-very rich!... The-Worlds-Best-Real-Estate-At-A-99,6%-Discount... Think-Canada-Is-America's-#1-Ally...Think-Again...BACKSTABED... Why-I-Will-Pay-You-$5,909-to-Cancel-Your-Agora- Financial-Subscription-Before-Midnight... You-Can-Turn-$10,000-Into-$1-Million-With-Just-Two-Stocks... You-Could-MAKE-15-by-This-Time-Tomorrow...How-to-Cash-in-on-the... Meet-'Doctor-Dollar'-Himself... Hume Financial Education 6-basic-principles-that-have-helped-build-the-fortunes-of-self-made- millionaires... Announcing-an-'apprenticeship-program'-for-aspiring-millionaires... It's-easier-than-you-think-to-make-$1,000,000... The-Fallacy-of-Working-for-a-Living... Why-becoming-a-millionaire-is-now-a-perfectly-realistic-goal-for-you... Porter Stansberry Best-Real-Estate-Deal-In-A-Dacade.. Ted-Nicholas Do-It-Yourself-Tax-Shelter... Bob-Livingston-Letter 'Hyperinflation-Nightmare-Dead-Ahead!'... Protect-Your-Money-Now!...Or-Kiss-It-GOODBYE... The OUTSTANDING 1950's Union Carbide ADs The Amazing 1950's Pepsi Cola ADs And Dozens More Classic and RARE Copywriting Treasures covering the topics of... o Finance o Golf o Internet Marketing o Real Estate o Seminars o Wealth Building o Book Publishing Use these to learn from so that you can study how salesmanship in print is constructed for various markets. Sounds almost to good to be true doesn’t it? Well, I’m not done yet…You’ll also receive… 21 MASSIVE Magalogs covering health and wealth, finance and supplements. These Magalogs are the crown jewels of all direct response copywriting, when studied and copied they will take your mastery skill into the stratosphere. A master copywriter thinks differently in almost every respect…from thinking about headlines, to developing a guarantee, to deciding the best approach for a close in order to maximize response and blow the needle off the conversion meter. Unless you learn these secrets, (which top-shelf copywriters almost NEVER reveal to even their closest friends!) you could spend hours everyday working at your craft and still not learn how to write a sales letter that will grab attention, generate massive response and pulverize the competition into saw dust. And the simple reason is that you have not been given access to this “insider” knowledge. You either need a “mentor,” one of the greats to reveal them to you (VERY EXPENSIVE), or you can just steal their ideas (COMPLETELY LEGAL). The difference in the effectiveness and quality of your writing (after studying and writing out these files) will take you’re breath away. You’ll Love Copywriting, The Way I Do! In just a couple of days you’ll gain unbelievable focus on your craft, you’re confidence will be restored because you will have learned how to perfect every aspect of salesmanship in print (easily and simply). You’ll be motivated once again to do what you had originally set out to do when you decided to learn the skill of copywriting…so now… You’ll have a system in place where the “mechanics” of your writing are consistently good, every day you write… And all the “holes” in you writing will be filled — suddenly, you’ll be writing headlines, subheads and bullet points like a pro, on top of your game like never before. In fact you’ll be a madman, mastering difficult copywriting techniques with a grin and a giggle. The quality of this all digital package is for real. The amazing “insider” secrets contained in it are likely the only opportunity you will ever have to own most of these control pieces. The only reason it exist is because of the fact that I was moving and going through everything that either needed to be boxed up or get gone. I went through everything…a thorough house cleaning and the results of much of it are in the package that stands before you today. And once you see the price…you’ll quickly realize that I could and probably will change my mind about the whole thing at a moments notice. I’ve been know to change my mind about these things within a few hours…if you doubt that then just take a look at my last offer…I didn’t even put up a “sorry sold out” page…I just killed it. So…this may be your first and last shot to grab this package. This Massive Collection Of Control Ads Is The Most Important Swipe File You Could Ever Hope To Own! And who wouldn’t want to own it? So here’s the “deal”: This swipe file has a REAL street value of $14,025 that is based on a very conservative $75 per control piece and $150 per magalog. There are controls from every decade of the last century up to the present. The golf and martial arts copy alone will cause a rush of adrenaline to cycle through you as you scramble for pen and paper. Just one of them is worth far more than I am asking for the entire collection and there are several in the package. Nothing Was Left Out… This Collection Represents The Best of The Best …If I Uncover Something Vital That Was Not Included I Will Get You A Copy Immediately! I will not be asking you to pay $14,025, but any training course on copywriting or copywriting workshop worth its salt would cost you $10,000 - $15,000 plus airfare, hotel accommodations, and food. You’ll learn 10 times more from using this package than any week long training course. But you aren’t even going to pay one tenth of what a weak-kneed training course would cost. In fact you aren’t going to pay one half of that, no not even a third. What you pay for 340 of the greatest ads ever to be constructed is 33.5% of the cost of ONE ad! That’s right you can own this amazing collection today…and even then you aren’t risking one dime…because…you also get… A 100% Money Back Guarantee! Here's how it works: Simply order the “Father of All Swipe File Crates” all digital package, and try it out for 3 entire months. If, at the end of those 3 months, you aren't completely convinced these lessons have changed your ability to write compelling copy in a very dramatic and astonishing way…simply send me an email, and you will be rushed a complete refund of every penny you paid. There is no catch…there is no fine print..I live my life simply. Place your order, use them for 3 months, if it doesn’t work for you…let me know and you’ll get a no questions asked refund. You’re in control. Use your credit card — it’s fast, safe and 100% secure…10 times more secure than using a credit card at your favorite restaurant! The price for this life changing package is probably the best darn bargain you’ll EVER see. Private coaching sessions run upwards of $300 - $1000 an hour and you don’t get the whole story from one coach, in a single hour, or from one session; plus, here, you have the added advantage of being able to review the material over and over and over again. This package contains EVERYTHING you need to take your writing to the next level. It’s the best deal dollar for dollar you could ever hope for. In fact we’re not even talking dollars here because it averages out to less than 12 cents per ad and that doesn’t even take into consideration the shopping cart of free bonuses! I can’t advise you strongly enough not to delay because: Either one of two things will occur. #1. I’ll decide that the material is far too valuable to just give it away, like I’m doing right this minute, and I’ll just remove it from eBay. Or,… #2. I’ll decide that the material is far too valuable to give away, like I’m doing right now and I’ll sell it for what it really should be sold for $997 and even at that price it’s a bargain! I know of lesser products that sell for $1997. To take advantage of this outrageously low price first-chance opportunity you really need to act now and not wait because it could be gone tomorrow. If you order right now I CAN guarantee you this. So please take action right now while you’re still reading this letter. If you love copywriting as much as I do, you’ll kick yourself forever if you delay and miss this incredible opportunity. The contents of this package can transform you into a copywriting powerhouse every time you pick up a pen or pencil. With the secrets contained within its pages, you are going to OWN every writing assignment you take on! If your as serious about shaving as many stokes off you copywriting handicap as I am, then the “Father of All Copywriting Swipe Files Crates” will enable you to become a contender for minor legendary status among your pears. You may not become a Gary Halbert or Clayton Makepeace but when you enter the room your colleagues will become very silent as they realize they are in the presence of greatness. But you must act NOW. To YOUR Copywriting Success, Jason Hart a.k.a. “The Professor” CIO, Focus Based Marketing PS. Remember, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from this incredible opportunity. There is absolutely no downside risk, not even a penny. How can you delay even for a minute, knowing these “insider” secrets are almost YOURS…waiting in the package I have set aside for you. This product shipped to you on a CD-ROM. As an Added Bonus you will receive a special link to download EVERYTHING! © Copyright All Rights Reserved

Price: 59.99 USD

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