Description: Brand new product. Box may have blemishes or damage that I have not noticed. Please study photos carefully as they are of the exact item you will be receiving. Any information about the item in the photos supersedes any contradicting information in the item details; incorrect metadata from other listings or from eBay may be added to item details without my knowledge. Please pay within 72 hours of accepting an offer. If I am not told ahead of time that your payment will be late you will receive a payment reminder at 48 hours and the sale will be cancelled at 72 hours. I will gladly cater to your needs if you have to wait a bit longer to pay, but please communicate your needs to me or I’ll be forced to assume you are choosing not to pay and you may lose the item. Please keep in mind that I have many fees to pay on each item I sell. If you message me asking for a huge discount I will block you without responding. This may seem harsh but I get messages like this daily and it’s a waste of everyone’s time, not to mention disrespectful. Message me for any questions
Price: 29.99 USD
Location: Marysville, Washington
End Time: 2024-11-30T20:44:08.000Z
Shipping Cost: N/A USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Return shipping will be paid by: Seller
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money Back
Video Format: NTSC
Case Type: Blu-ray Case
Rating: PG-13
Subtitle Language: English
Director: Kunihiko Ikuhara
Sub-Genre: Drama, Fantasy
Edition: Standard Edition
Type: TV Series
Region Code: Blu-ray: A (Americas, Southeast Asia...)
Language: English, Japanese
Release Year: 1997
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Season: Episodes 1-12
Movie/TV Title: Revolutionary Girl Utena: the Student Council Saga
Format: Blu-ray
Genre: Anime
Studio: Right Stuf
Run Time: 300 min.