Description: Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications by Margaret Lial, Raymond Greenwell, Nathan Ritchey For freshman/sophomore, 2-semester or 2-3 quarter courses covering finite mathematics and applied calculus for students in business, economics, social sciences, or life sciences. Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, Tenth Edition by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, is our most applied text to date, making the math relevant and accessible for students of business, life science, and social sciences. Current applications, many using real data, are incorporated in numerous forms throughout the book, preparing students for success in their professional careers. With this edition, students will find new ways to help them learn the material, such as Warm-Up Exercises and added "help text" within examples. Also available with MyMathLab The MyMathLab® course for the text provides online homework and additional learning resources for students, such as video tutorials, algebra help, step-by-step examples, and graphing calculator help. The course features many more assignable exercises than the previous edition. FORMAT Hardcover LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Author Biography Marge Lial (late) was always interested in math; it was her favorite subject in the first grade! Marges intense desire to educate both her students and herself has inspired the writing of numerous best-selling textbooks. Marge, who received bachelors and masters degrees from California State University at Sacramento, was affiliated with American River College. An avid reader and traveler, her travel experiences often found their way into her books as applications, exercise sets, and feature sets. Her interest in archeology lead to trips to various digs and ruin sites, producing some fascinating problems for her textbooks involving such topics as the building of Mayan pyramids and the acoustics of ancient ball courts in the Yucatan. Raymond N. Greenwell earned a B.A. in Mathematics and Physics from the University of San Diego, and an M.S. in Statistics, an M.S. in Applied Mathematics, and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Michigan State University, where he earned the graduate student teaching award in 1979. After teaching at Albion College in Michigan for four years, he moved to Hofstra University in 1983, where he currently is Professor of Mathematics. Raymond has published articles on fluid mechanics, mathematical biology, genetic algorithms, combinatorics, statistics, and undergraduate mathematics education. He is a member of MAA, AMS, SIAM, NCTM, and AMATYC. He has served as governor of the Metropolitan New York Section of the MAA, as well as webmaster and liaison coordinator, and he received a distinguished service award from the Section in 2003. He is an outdoor enthusiast and leads trips in the Sierra Clubs Inner City Outings program. Nathan P. Ritchey earned a B.A. in Mathematics with a minor in Music from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania. He earned a M.S. in Applied Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University. He is former chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Youngstown State University and is currently serving as the dean of the College of Science and Health Professions at Edinboro University. He has published articles in economics, honors education, medicine, mathematics, operations research, and student recruitment. Nate is a Consultant/Evaluator for the North Central Associations Higher Learning Commission and regularly participates in program evaluations. In recognition of his numerous activities, Nate has received the Distinguished Professor Award for University Service, the Youngstown Vindicators "People Who Make a Difference Award," the Watson Merit Award for Department Chairs, the Spirit in Education Award from the SunTex corporation, and the Provosts Merit Award for significant contributions to the Honors Program. Table of Contents R. Algebra Reference R-1 Polynomials R-2 Factoring R-3 Rational Expressions R-4 Equations R-5 Inequalities R-6 Exponents R-7 Radicals 1. Linear Functions 1-1 Slopes and Equations of Lines 1-2 Linear Functions and Applications 1-3 The Least Squares Line Chapter Review Extended Application: Using Extrapolation to Predict Life Expectancy 2. Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices 2-1 Solution of Linear Systems by the Echelon Method 2-2 Solution of Linear Systems by the Gauss-Jordan Method 2-3 Addition and Subtraction of Matrices 2-4 Multiplication of Matrices 2-5 Matrix Inverses 2-6 Input-Output Models Chapter Review Extended Application: Contagion 3. Linear Programming: The Graphical Method 3-1 Graphing Linear Inequalities 3-2 Solving Linear Programming Problems Graphically 3-3 Applications of Linear Programming Chapter Review 4. Linear Programming: The Simplex Method 4-1 Slack Variables and the Pivot 4-2 Maximization Problems 4-3 Minimization Problems; Duality 4-4 Nonstandard Problems Chapter Review Extended Application: Using Integer Programming in the Stock-Cutting Problem 5. Mathematics of Finance 5-1 Simple and Compound Interest 5-2 Future Value of an Annuity 5-3 Present Value of an Annuity; Amortization Chapter Review Extended Application: Time, Money, and Polynomials 6. Logic 6-1 Statements 6-2 Truth Tables and Equivalent Statements 6-3 The Conditional and Circuits 6-4 More on the Conditional 6-5 Analyzing Arguments and Proofs 6-6 Analyzing Arguments with Quantifiers Chapter Review Extended Application: Logic Puzzles 7. Sets and Probability 7-1 Sets 7-2 Applications of Venn Diagrams 7-3 Introduction to Probability 7-4 Basic Concepts of Probability 7-5 Conditional Probability; Independent Events 7-6 Bayes Theorem Chapter Review Extended Application: Medical Diagnosis 8. Counting Principles: Further Probability Topics 8-1 The Multiplication Principle; Permutations 8-2 Combinations 8-3 Probability Applications of Counting Principles 8-4 Binomial Probability 8-5 Probability Distributions; Expected Value Chapter Review Extended Application: Optimal Inventory for a Service Truck 9. Statistics 9-1 Frequency Distributions; Measures of Central Tendency 9-2 Measures of Variation 9-3 The Normal Distribution 9-4 Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution Chapter Review Extended Application: Statistics in the Law - The Castaneda Decision 10. Nonlinear Functions 10-1 Properties of Functions 10-2 Quadratic Functions; Translation and Reflection 10-3 Polynomial and Rational Functions 10-4 Exponential Functions 10-5 Logarithmic Functions 10-6 Applications: Growth and Decay; Mathematics of Finance Chapter Review Extended Application: Characteristics of the Monkeyface Prickleback 11. The Derivative 11-1 Limits 11-2 Continuity 11-3 Rates of Change 11-4 Definition of the Derivative 11-5 Graphical Differentiation Chapter Review Extended Application: A Model for Drugs Administered Intravenously 12. Calculating the Derivative 12-1 Techniques for Finding Derivatives 12-2 Derivatives of Products and Quotients 12-3 The Chain Rule 12-4 Derivatives of Exponential Functions 12-5 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions Chapter Review Extended Application: Electric Potential and Electric Field 13. Graphs and the Derivative 13-1 Increasing and Decreasing Functions 13-2 Relative Extrema 13-3 Higher Derivatives, Concavity, and the Second Derivative Test 13-4 Curve Sketching Chapter Review Extended Application: A Drug Concentration Model for Orally Administered Medications (new) 14. Applications of the Derivative 14-1 Absolute Extrema 14-2 Applications of Extrema 14-3 Further Business Applications: Economic Lot Size; Economic Order Quantity; Elasticity of Demand 14-4 Implicit Differentiation 14-5 Related Rates 14-6 Differentials: Linear Approximation Chapter Review Extended Application: A Total Cost Model for a Training Program 15. Integration 15-1 Antiderivatives 15-2 Substitution 15-3 Area and the Definite Integral 15-4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 15-5 The Area Between Two Curves 15-6 Numerical Integration Chapter Review Extended Application: Estimating Depletion Dates for Minerals 16. Further Techniques and Applications of Integration 16-1 Integration by Parts 16-2 Volume and Average Value 16-3 Continuous Money Flow 16-4 Improper Integrals 16-5 Solutions of Elementary and Separable Differential Equations* Chapter Review Extended Application: Estimating Learning Curves in Manufacturing with Integrals 17. Multivariable Calculus 17-1 Functions of Several Variables 17-2 Partial Derivatives 17-3 Maxima and Minima 17-4 Lagrange Multipliers 17-5 Total Differentials and Approximations 17-6 Double Integrals Chapter Review Extended Application: Using Multivariable Fitting to Create a Response Surface Design 18. Probability and Calculus 18-1 Continuous Probability Models 18-2 Expected Value and Variance of Continuous Random Variables 18-3 Special Probability Density Functions Chapter Review Extended Application: Exponential Waiting Times Tables Table 1 Formulas of/from Geometry Table 2 Area Under a Normal Curve Table 3 Integrals Answers to Selected Exercises Photo Acknowledgements Index Long Description Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications , Tenth Edition by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey, is our most applied text to date, making the math relevant and accessible for students of business, life science, and social sciences. Current applications, many using real data, are incorporated in numerous forms throughout the book, preparing students for success in their professional careers. With this edition, students will find new ways to help them learn the material, such as Warm-Up Exercises and added "help text" within examples. NOTE: Before purchasing, check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearsons MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearsons MyLab & Mastering products, you may also need a Course ID, which your instructor will provide. Used books, rentals, and purchases made outside of Pearson If purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson, the access codes for Pearsons MyLab & Mastering products may not be included, may be incorrect, or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMathLab does not come packaged with this content. MyMathLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyMathLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMathLab, search for: 013398107X / 9780133981070 Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications Plus MyMathLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card PackagePackage consists of:0321431308 / 9780321431301 MyMathLab -- Glue-in Access Card0321654064 / 9780321654069 MyMathLab Inside Star Sticker0321979400 / 9780321979407 Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications Feature Details A print text Free shipping New Feature New and updated features Warm-Up exercises were added to many exercise sets to provide an opportunity for students to refresh key prerequisite skills at "point of use." Graphing calculator screens have been updated to reflect the TI-84 Plus C, which features color and a much higher resolution screen. Additionally, the graphing calculator notes have been updated throughout. More help text in the examples provide an additional aid for students with weaker algebra skills. These notes are set in small blue type next to the steps within worked-out examples. More real data in examples and exercises include additional or updated data: The authors have added or updated 237 (15.4%) of the application exercises throughout the text. Updated exercises and examples are based on user feedback and other factors. 4857 exercises within the sections, 491 (10.1%) are new or updated. Of the 570 examples in the text, 99 (17.4%) are new or updated. Content Updates Chapter R Added new Your Turn exercises to ensure that there is a student assessment for each major concept. Added more detail to R.2 on factoring perfect squares. Chapter 1 Rewrote the part of 1.1 involving graphing lines, emphasizing different methods for graphing. Rewrote 1.2 on supply, demand, break-even analysis, and equilibrium; giving formal definitions that match what students would see in business and economics courses. All of the business applications were revised, according to recommendations of reviewers, to be more in line with business texts. Also added a new Example 6 on finding a cost function. Added color for pedagogical reasons to make content easier to follow. Chapter 2 In 2.1, added a new definition for consistent systems. Also added definitions of general solution, parameter, and particular system and how to find each. In 2.5, added a shortcut for finding the inverse of a 2 x 2 matrix. Chapter 3 Revised two Technology Notes in 3.1, giving more details on how to graph an inequality and how to add color. Also added Example 6, which illustrates what happens when there is no feasible region. In 3.2, revised a Technology Note explaining how to find the points of intersection in the feasible region. Chapter 4 Added column headings to 4.1 to explain where basic variables are. Additionally, revised Example 4 with more explanation and detail. Added a Caution note to 4.2 and revised the Technology Note for using Excel to solve linear programming problems. Chapter 5 In 5.1, revised Example 2 to add more detail regarding what each variable designates. Revised Examples 4-6 and 8-10 to better explain concepts and/or update real-world data. Revised Example 12 with more explanation--important because we gave two methods to find compounding time (using graphing calculator and also showing an optional method that uses logarithms). Added new Technology Notes to 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 explaining how to use the TVM Solver in the TI-84. Rewrote the 5.2 introduction and converted it into a new example on annuities. Also added a note on why particular variables were chosen and that these variables may look different in other places. Revised Examples 4 and 5 for content and added technology. In 5.3, revised Example 5 to better explain amortization schedules. Chapter 6 Updated and added numerous exercises. Chapter 7 Updated Examples in 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4 for content, data, and/or clarity. Added more explanation of independence to 7.5. Completely re-wrote the Extended Application at the end of the chapter. Chapter 8 Updated and added numerous exercises as well as an example in 8.5. Chapter 9 Added many Technology Notes, including how to use the calculator to find probabilities, how to create a histogram, etc. Reorganized 9.1 into two parts (frequency distributions, central tendency) and added new headings for mean, median, and mode. Also added new Example 9, comparing mean and median when outliers exist. Switched the emphasis of 9.3 from using the table in the back of the book to using a calculator. (We still use the table but all of the answers are from a calculator.) In that vein, we explain in great detail how to use the calculator to find the various probabilities, changing Examples 1, 2, and 4. Rewrote the introduction to 9.4 as an example and converted other exposition into a second example to better illustrate the concepts being described. Added a Technology Note to the second new example. Chapter 10 Updated introduction to 10.1, rewriting it as an example to make it easier for students to reference the necessary skills to identify nonlinear functions, determine the domain and range, and estimate values from a graph. In 10.2, added another approach to graphing parabolas by splitting former Example 4 into two separate examples. The new Example 5 illustrates how to graph a parabola by first finding its characteristics (including orientation, intercepts, vertex, and axis of symmetry). The characteristics are highlighted in a box for easy reference. Added quadratic regression to 10.2. Example 9 includes a by-hand method and a method using technology. Rewrote Example 10 in 10.2, which illustrates translations and reflections of a graph, by breaking it into three parts. The first part is a basic transformation, and the ensuing parts build in complexity. Added the definition of a real root to 10.3 and added a technology box to illustrate how to use a graphing calculator to approximate the roots of higher degree polynomials. Added cubic regression to 10.3 (Example 5). Chapter 11 Added Caution note to 11.1 and added a new solution method to Example 9. Added new Example 2 to 11.3 using recent data. Updated Example 4 in 11.3 to use clearer wording. Chapter 12 Clarified the rules for differentiation in 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 and added a new Example 8. Expanded Example 9 in 12.1 to include a new graph. Updated Example 10 in 12.1 and Example 4 in 12.5. Chapter 13 Added new examples to 13.2 (Example 3c) and 13.3 (Example 6b). Expanded Example 6a in 13.4 to show the inflection point. Chapter 14 Updated Example 3 in 14.1 to show an application of the concept. Modified examples in 14.2 (Example 3), 14.4 (Example 2), and 14.6 (Example 1). Chapter 15 Added annotations and comments to Example 10 in 15.1. Simplified Examples 1, 2, 3, and 6 in 15.2 and added annotations and comments. Added a "For Review" box to 15.3. Enlarged all small integral signs throughout the chapter for added clarity. Updated Example 7 in 15.4 and Example 5 in 15.5. Added more explanation of the consumer surplus to 15.5. Chapter 16 Added annotations to several examples in 16.1 to denote steps in integration by parts. Revised the solutions to Examples 4 and 5 in 16.3, giving more detail and adding annotation to denote the steps in determining the accumulated amount of money flow. Revised the solution to Example 5 in 16.1, adding annotation to denote steps in separation of variables. In 16.1, added the definition of equilibrium point, explained how to determine the stability (stable, unstable, or semistable) of the equilibrium point, and added Example 8 on equilibrium points and stability. Chapter 17 Rewrote and expanded Exercise 8 in 17.1, on the Cobb-Douglas Production Function, emphasizing the interpretation of the solutions. Added 3 new exercises to 17.1 on exponential and logarithmic functions of several variables. Revised the solution to Example 4 in 17.3, giving more detail. Rewrote the solution to Example 3 in 17.4, illustrating how to find the extrema of a constrained function of one or more variables using a spreadsheet. Chapter 18 Changed the introductory example in 18.1, which continues into 18.2, to avoid rounding issues. Added a new part (d) to Example 3 in 18.3, as well as Method 2 using a graphing calculator and Method 3 using a spreadsheet. Ch Details ISBN0321979400 ISBN-10 0321979400 ISBN-13 9780321979407 Format Hardcover Short Title FINITE MATHEMATICS & CALCULUS Language English Edition 10th Media Book Illustrations Yes Imprint Pearson Country of Publication United States Replaces 9780321749086 Pages 1184 Author Nathan Ritchey Year 2017 Publication Date 2017-02-24 UK Release Date 2017-02-24 AU Release Date 2017-02-24 NZ Release Date 2017-02-24 US Release Date 2017-02-24 Publisher Pearson Education (US) Edition Description 10th edition Replaced by 9780135904602 DEWEY 511.1 Audience Tertiary & Higher Education We've got this At The Nile, if you're looking for it, we've got it. With fast shipping, low prices, friendly service and well over a million items - you're bound to find what you want, at a price you'll love! TheNile_Item_ID:137259649;
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ISBN-13: 9780321979407
Book Title: Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications
Item Height: 100 mm
Item Width: 100 mm
Author: Raymond Greenwell, Margaret Lial, Nathan Ritchey
Publication Name: Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Publisher: Pearson Education (Us)
Subject: Mathematics
Publication Year: 2017
Type: Textbook
Item Weight: 100 g
Number of Pages: 1184 Pages