Frank & Eileen

1888- MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY County West Virginia WV - History Genealogy CD DVD

Description: What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Martinsburg and Berkeley Counties and their people. This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1888. Aler’s History of Martinsburg and Berkeley County, West Virginia From the origin of the Indians, embracing their Settlements, Wars and Depredations, to the first White Settlement of the Valley; also including the Wars between the Settlers and their mode and manner of living. Besides a variety of valuable information, consisting of the past and present History of the County, including a complete sketch of the late Wars, Strikes, early Residents, Organizations, etc., accompanied by personal sketches and interesting facts of the present day. By F. Vernon Aler The Mail Publishing Company, Hagerstown, MD. 1888 438 pages on 1 CD An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * CONTENTS CHAPTER I. - Origin of the Indian Settlements. The different Tribes. Their Wars, Customs, Habits, etc CHAPTER II. - First Settlements of the Valley. Locations, Land Titles, Dwellings, etc CHAPTER III. - The Indian Warfare. Forts Established, etc. The Wars between the Settlers and Indians, and the manner in which they carried on their Barbarism CHAPTER IV. - Houses, Furniture, Diet and Dress of the early Settlers. Interesting and amusing Scenes of centuries back of bur Foreparents CHAPTER V. - Northern Neck of Virginia. Berkeley County laid off. The Land Grants, etc., from Lord Fairfax's time to the establishment of the County CHAPTER VI. - Martinsburg established. The Lots laid off by the first Commissioned Sheriff. Sale of Lots, with terms to purchasers CHAPTER VII. - Report of Hon. C. J. Faulkner on Adjustment of the Boundary Line between Virginia and Maryland CHAPTER VIII. - Historical Sketches of the early Inhabitants, etc., by the late Hon. Charles James Faulkner CHAPTER IX. - Slavery—Mode and Manner of Punishment—Freedom CHAPTER X. - The late War of the Rebellion. The different Companies of Berkeley County, Federal and Confederate, with full Names, Happenings, etc CHAPTER XI. - Historical Reminiscence of Martinsburg from 1835 until the year 1861, by John W. Curtis CHAPTER XII. - Commencing and ending of Strikes. A full and complete detail of the Happenings, Incidents, etc CHAPTER XIII. - Life of the late Hon. Charles James Faulkner, by Col. Frank A. Burr. CHAPTER XIV. - The Churches—Organization and present Condition CHAPTER XV. - Berkeley County in 1810. Topographical Description. Natural Curiosities. Mineralogy and Lithology. Inhabitants, Towns, Manufactories, etc CHAPTER XVI. - Present situation of the Town and County—Journalism in the County—County Court and Officials—Martinsburg Schools—Home Organizations, Lodges, etc CHAPTER XVII. - Personal Sketches of the Enterprising Public and Professional Men of the present day CHAPTER XVIII. - Biography of Martinsburg's Business Men INDEX Abell, Adams, Ahern, Albain, Albin, Alburtis, Aler, Alexander, Allen, Allison, Ambrester, AMES, Amherst, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Andrews, Arbutnot, Armpriest, Armstrong, Asbury, Ashby, Ashkettle, Auld, Austin, Awman, Bailey, Baily, Baker, BALCH, Baldwin, Bales, Ball, Bancroft, Bane, Barbour, Barnes, Barnett, Barney, Barr, Barrett, Barthlow, Bartlett, Barton, Bascom, Basore, Batch, Bateman, Bayarlys, Baylor, Bear, Beard, Beau, Becker, Beckwith, Beddinger, Bedford, Bedinger, Beecher, Beeson, Bell, Bender, Benson, Bentz, Berkeley, Berry, Bets, Beverly, Billmire, Billmyer, Birney, Bishop, Blackburn, Blake, Blakeney, Blamer, Blanchfield, Blessing, Blondel, Blondell, Boak, Boarman, Bocock, Boehm, Bogg, Boggs, Boley, Booker, Booth, Boreman, Boteler, Botts, Bouton, Bowen, Bowers, Bowman, Boyd, Boyds, Boyer, Brackett, Braddock, Bradford, Brady, Bragonier, Bragunier, Breathed, Breckenridge, Brent, Bricker, Brighton, Briscoe, Brittner, Britton, Brocies, Brockenbrough, Brokenbrough, Brooke, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryarly, Buchanan, Buchannon, Buck, Buckles, Burch, Burkhardt, Burkhart, Burns, Burr, Burt, Butler, Butt, Buxton, Byers, Byrd, Cage, Cahill, Calhoun, Calvin, Cameron, Campbell, Campbells, Canby, Caney, Cann, Carlysle, Carney, Carper, Carr, Carson, Carter, Casion, Caskey, Catrow, Causemenia, Chalmers, Chambers, Chapman, Chaulkley, Chenowith, Chevalley, Chevally, Chirsman, Chisholm, Chisty, Chrisman, Clark, Clarke, Claspey, Clay, Clayborne, Clayton, Cleary, Clendening, Cleveland, Clevinger, Clifford, Cline, Clippinger, Coalter, Cockburn, Coffenberger, Coffin, Cohoon, Colbert, Colston, Colstons, Combs, Comeqy, Commiskey, Conger, Connor, Conrad, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copenhaver, Cornelius, Cornwallis, Corsey, Couchman, Cox, Coyle, Cranes, Crawford, Creamer, Creighton, Crim, Crist, Criswell, Crockett, Cronise, Cross, Crowe, Crowl, Crump, Crushwa, Culler, Culpeper, Cunningham, Curry, Curtis, Cushen, Cushwa, Cushwas, Custer, Cutting, Dailey, Dalgarn, Dandridge, Dandrigde, Daniels, Darby, Darke, Davenport, Davidson, Davis, Day, Dayton, Deatrick, Deck, Deen, Deets, DeGrange, Delaplaine, Dellinger, Denan, Dickerhoff, Dieffenderfer, Diehl, Dilly, Ditman, Ditto, Divinney, Dodd, Doll, Dorn, Dorsey, Douglas, Douglass, Downs, Drake, Drew, Dubles, Dudley, Duff, Dugan, Dulin, Dumford, Dunmore, Dunn, Duval, Eads, Earson, Ebaugh, Edgar, Edwards, Eichelberger, Elam, Ellis, Ely, Emerson, Emmert, Emmerts, Englebright, Erskine, Espenhine, Evans, Everett, Eversole, Fahey, Fairfax, Falkenstein, Farrin, Faulkner, Fayman, Feaman, Feidt, Feller, Fellers, Ferrel, Fiery, Findlay, Finigan, Fink, Fish, Fisher, Fiske, Fitz, Fitzpatrick, Fitzwilliams, Fizer, Flagg, Fleming, Flick, Flood, Floyd, Foard, Foley, Folk, Ford, Fowler, Franklin, Fravel, Fravell, Frazier, Freeman, Fremont, French, Friedman, Frieze, Froman, Frushour, Fry, Fryatt, Frys, Fultz, Furlong, Gageby, Gagle, Gaither, Gales, Gallaher, Ganoe, Gardener, Gardner, Garrett, Garrison, Gaston, Gates, Gaunt, Gerard, Gerling, Geting, Gettinger, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gildea, Gilmer, Gilmore, Giser, Gladden, Gladdens, Glass, Godwin, Goggin, Goheen, Gonter, Gooch, Goodman, Gordon, Gore, Gorrell, Gorrells, Gosnell, Goulden, Grace, Grafton, Graham, Grantham, Gray, Grazer, Greaton, Green, Greene, Gregg, Gregory, Griffin, Grimes, Grindes, Grove, Groves, Grozinger, Gruber, Grundy, Gryfyth, Grymes, Guinn, Hackney, Hagner, Haines, Halem, Hall, Hambleton, Hamilton, Hamme, Hammond, Hanchett, Hank, Hanner, Hannis, Harker, Harlan, Harley, Harman, Harmon, Harper, Harrison, Hart, Haupin, Haw, Hayden, Haynes, Hays, Hazard, Heavill, Hedge, Hedgeman, Hedges, Heilig, Helan, Helferstay, Helfersty, Hening, Henlane, Henry, Henshaw, Henshaws, Henson, Herald, Herd, Hermance, Herndon, Herring, Hess, Hezeltine, Hibbards, Hibbert, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hines, Hipper, Hite, Hites, Hitzer, Hockinberry, Hodges, Hoffheins, Hoffman, Hoge, Hogmire, Hoke, Holland, Holliday, Hollingsworth, Hollis, Holmes, Homer, Homrich, Hooper, Hopewell, Hopkins, Hopper, Hopton, Horrel, Hourse, House, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hower, Howle, Hudgel, Huff, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Hunter, Hunters, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Hyde, Ingles, Ingless, Ingram, Iradella, Irelands, Irwin, Irwine, Israel, Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, Jamison, Janney, Janneys, Jazinsky, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jessup, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Joy, Kackler, Kain, Kane, Kaufman, Keane, Kearfott, Kearn, Kearns, Keefe, Keisecker, Kelley, Kelly, Kennedy, Kensel, Kercheval, Kerney, Kerns, Kershner, Keyes, Keys, Keyser, Killgore, Kilmer, Kilmers, Kilpatrick, Kines, King, Kirkpatrick, Kiser, Kisner, Kitchen, Kline, Knapp, Kneedler, Knox, Knyphausen, Koiner, Kopp, Koreross, Kownsler, Kraesen, Krauth, Kreglow, Kremer, Kroesen, Kyne, La Fayette, Lafayette, Lafever, Lafevre, Lamar, Lamaster, Lambert, Lamon, Lanahan, Landers, Landstreet, Lanham, Lantz, Larkins, Latrobe, Lauck, Lawson, Lazzel, Lea, Leathers, Lee, Leech, Lefever, Leigh, Lemen, Lemon, Leshorn, Lester, Letcher, Lewis, Light, Likens, Lincoln, Lingamfelter, Lippett, Little, Locke, Logan, Lohr, Lomax, Long, Lossing, Love, Lowery, Lowman, Lowndes, Loy, Lucas, Lucke, Lupman, Luther, Lyeth, Lyle, Lyles, Lyman, Lyng, Mackey, Madison, Magill, Magwn, Magraw, Magruders, Mahoney, Mann, Manning, Manor, Manor,, March, Marikle, Markel, Marker, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, Maslin, Mason, Mathews, Matthaei, Matthews, Maupin, Maxwell, Mayberry, Mayer, Mayo, McAlister, McClary, McCleary, McCleery, McClellan, McClure, McDaniel, McDonalds, McDowell, McElroy, McGackey, McGeary, McGill, McGraw, McIntire, McKay, McKee, McKeefry, McKeever, McKewan, McKinney, McKnight, McKown, McLaughlin, McMullen, McNemar, McQuilken, McSherry, McWhorter, Meachem, Mead, Meade, Meadows, Medtart, Mercer, Merchant, Meyers, Middleton, Miller, Millers, Minghini, Mingle, Mitchell, Mock, Mong, Moody, Moon, Mooney, Moore, Moorehead, More, Morg, Morgan, Morril, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Moseley, Muhlenburg, Mulligan, Murphey, Murphy, Murray, Mussetter, Muth, Myer, Myers, Nadenbousch, Nadenboush, Nayler, Neale, Neer, Neff, Nelson, Neville, Newce, Newcomer, Newkirk, Newkirks, Newman, Newton, Nicholson, Nicklas, Noble, Noland, Noll, Norris, Norton, Novington, O'Brien, Ockerman, Oden, O'Neal, Orrick, Orricks, Orriek, Ott, Otterbein, Owen, Pace, Page, Painter, Palmer, Parker, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Pearl, Pelham, Pendleton, Pendletons, Penick, Penn, Penns, Pentiney, Perkins, Perregory, Perry, Pfeiffer, Phelps, Phillips, Picking, Pierce, Pike, Piles, Piper, Pitcher, Pitt, Pitzer, Pitzers, Plata, Pleasants, Plunkett, Poisal, Pollock, Pompell, Porter, Porterfield, Porterfields, Potter, Potts, Powell, Powers, Prescit, Preston, Price, Prior, Prossman, Pryor, Pullin, Quinzel, Racey, Raenhal, Rahauser, Rainer, Ramer, Ramsburg, Randolph, Rankin, Ransone, Rathman, Ravenack, Rawlings, Rawlinson, Ray, Readman, Reardon, Reck, Reed, Rees, Reid, Reily, Reynolds, Rice, Richardson, Riddle, Riddleberger, Ridenour, Ridgway, Riley, Rimel, Riner, River, Rives, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roby, Rockwell,, Rodrick, Rogers, Rohrbaugh, Roller, Ronk, Rook, Rooney, Ropp, Rose, Ross, Rotterman, Rousch, Roush, Rowley, Rude, Rush, Rust, Rutherford, Rutledge, Ryneal, Saderfield, Sadler, Saffell, Sailes, Sanakers, Sandis, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Saville, Sayles, Schaffer, Scheig, Schell, Schmucker, Schoppert, Schultz, Scott, Scouts, Seaton, Seckman, Seibert, Seip, Seiss, Selbert, Sellars, Sellers, Sencindiver, Sencindivers, Sergeant, Seward, Shaffer, Sharff, Sharp, Shaw, Shea, Shearer, Shearers, Sheckles, Sheerer, Shepherd, Sheridan, Sherman, Sherrard, Sherrer, Shipley, Shirk, Shoafstall, Shoat, Shober, Shortel, Showers, Shrout, Shubrick, Shutt, Siler, Silver, Silvers, Simmons, Simpson, Sincindiver, Sisco, Slater, Slauter, Sloan, Small, Smeltzer, Smith, Smurr, Snodgrass, Snodgrasses, Snowden, Snyder, Somerville, Sortwell, Southworth, Spencer, Sperow, Sperow,, Spreecher, Sprigg, St. Clair, Stafford, Stahl, Staley, Stansburry, Statler, Statter, Staub,, Staubley, Staubly, Stearns, Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stephensons, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stine, Stockton, Stogdon, Stoker, Stoneking, Strainey, Strausbaugh, Strayer, Street, Streit, Stribling, Strine, Strode, Strother, Stuart, Stuckey, Stucky, Stull, Stump, Sturges, Suddith, Sullivan, Summers, Suter, Swartz, Swearengen, Swearingen, Swimley, Swope, Tabb, Tabbs, Tabler, Tablers, Taliaferro, Talifaria, Tallifaro, Tally, Talty, Tate, Tates, Taylor, Tazewell, Teack, Teets, Thatcher, Theith, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thouvenal, Throckmortons, Thrush, Thumel, Tichnal, Timmons, Titlow, Toombs, Tozewell, Triggs, Troxell, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Unger, Upshur, Van Buren, Van Doren, Van Swearingen, Vanansdal, Vanarsdale, Vance, Vandergriff, Vanmeter, Vanmetre, Vanmetres, Veasey, Veney, Vincenheller,, Vogel, Volgarmott, Vorhees, Wade, Wagely, Waggoner, Waggoners, Waite, Walker, Walkers, Walters, Wann, Ward, Warren, Warrens, Washburn, Washington, Watts, Wayne, Weaning, Weaver, Webster, Weddell, Weil, Welland, Weller, Wellers, Wellinger, Wells, Welsh, Welshaus, Wentz, Wert, West, Westall, Westenhaver, Westphall, Westrater, Wevers, Wheelan, Wheeler, Whelan, White, Whitehurst, Whiting, Whitson, Wickersham, Wild, Wilen, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilmer, Wilson, Winfield, Winslow, Winter, Wise, Wiser, Wisner, Wisong, Wister, Witherow, Withrow, Witt, Wolf, Wolff, Wollett, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Wormley, Worthington, Wyatt, Wythe, Yancey, Yates, Yeardley, Yoho, Young,

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1888- MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY County West Virginia WV - History Genealogy CD DVD

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1888 MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY West Virginia, WV, History and Genealogy DVD CD B19
1888 MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY West Virginia, WV, History and Genealogy DVD CD B19


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1888- MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY County West Virginia WV - History Genealogy CD DVD
1888- MARTINSBURG & BERKELEY County West Virginia WV - History Genealogy CD DVD


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ALER, Vernon - History of Martinsburg...West Virginia 1888 - 1st Ed. in cloth
ALER, Vernon - History of Martinsburg...West Virginia 1888 - 1st Ed. in cloth


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G2466 Postcard Postal Card National Bank of Martinsburg 1888 WV West Virginia


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A2434 Postcard postal card National Bank of Martinsburg 1888 WV West Virginia


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G2467 Postcard Postal Card National Bank of Martinsburg 1888 WV West Virginia


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